Saturday, August 18, 2012
Toiling in prayer reveals Godliness in oneself and in the world. At the beginning of the day, the soul is said to be only in the person’s nose, and through prayer it is revealed throughout the body and in the world. This protects the person from the “evil spirit,” or at least endows him with the strength to overcome it.
In fact, prayer has even greater power. Consistently toil in meditation in prayer brings the light of Godliness to truly shine in one’s mind; this then arouses the heart to Godliness, and reveals the Divine Soul throughout the person. Then one will never desire to sin at all, for “the strength of the soul is the weakness of the body.” The “body” here refers to the coarse desires of the Bestial Soul. When the Divine Soul dominates through consistent meditation on Godliness, these desires are weakened to the point that they may not be able to express themselves at all although they are still present.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
2 Samuel 11-12
As David walked on the roof of his house one evening, he saw a beautiful woman taking a bath. Someone told him she was Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, a Hittite soldier off fighting with David’s army. David should have put Bathsheba out of his mind when he heard she was married, but he didn’t.
Read the entire lesson text...
David makes his worst mistake yet. He takes his neighbor's wife, and tries to cover it up. He kills the woman's husband when he can't conceal the error. But YHWH knows the truth. Can we hide from YHWH? No. Can we cover up our sin? No - it just leads to more sin.
David has a habit of letting situations escalate. When he was hiding in Ziklag, his lies became betrayal. When he moved the ark incorrectly, Uzzah died. Now, a man and a baby die for his sin.
* David acts as if he has done nothing wrong- even to God! So God sends the prophet Nathan to tell David a story.
Nathan tells David he is just like this man because he took Uriah's only wife. David is very upset. He begs God's forgiveness and prepares to do what he can to restore his relationship with God.
* Although he is forgiven, David had serious consequences to deal with. First, the child conceived would die. Also - David's many children would always fight. This is especially hard on David because he loves all his children very much.
We can be forgiven, but there may still be consequences of our sins. Uriah was still dead, despite David's repentance.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
(Malachi 1:3; Romans 9:13)
Answer: Malachi 1:2-3 declares, “’I have loved you,’” says the LORD. But you ask, 'How have you loved us?' ‘Was not Esau Jacob's brother?’ the LORD says. ‘Yet I have loved Jacob, but Esau I have hated, and I have turned his mountains into a wasteland and left his inheritance to the desert jackals.’” Malachi 1:2-3 is quoted and alluded to in Romans 9:10-13, “Not only that, but Rebekah's children had one and the same father, our father Isaac. Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad—in order that God's purpose in election might stand: not by works but by him who calls—she was told, ‘The older will serve the younger.’ Just as it is written: ‘Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.’” Why did God love Jacob and hate Esau? If God is love (1 John 4:8), how could He hate anyone?
When studying the Bible, it is critically important to always study the context of a particular Bible verse or passage. In these instances, the Prophet Malachi and the Apostle Paul are using the name “Esau” to refer to the Edomites, who were the descendants of Esau. Isaac and Rebekah had two sons, Esau and Jacob. God chose Jacob (whom He later renamed Israel) to be the father of His chosen people, the Israelites. God rejected Esau (who was also called Edom), and did not choose him to be the father of His chosen people. Esau’s and his descendants, the Edomites, were in many ways blessed by God (Genesis 33:9; Genesis chapter 36).
So, considering the context, God loving Jacob and hating Esau has nothing to do with the human emotions of love and hate. It has everything to do with God choosing one man and his descendants and rejecting another man and his descendants. God chose Abraham out of all the men in the world. The Bible very well could say, “Abraham I loved, and every other man I hated.” God chose Abraham’s son Isaac instead of Abraham’s son Ishmael. The Bible very well could say, “Isaac I loved, and Ishmael I hated.” Romans chapter 9 makes it abundantly clear that loving Jacob and hating Esau was entirely related to which of them God chose. Hundreds of years after Jacob and Esau had died, the Israelites and Edomites became bitter enemies. The Edomites often aided Israel’s enemies in attacks on Israel. Esau’s descendants brought God’s curse upon themselves. Genesis 27:29 tells us, “May nations serve you and peoples bow down to you. Be lord over your brothers, and may the sons of your mother bow down to you. May those who curse you be cursed and those who bless you be blessed.” This is a nice article that I have found somewhere which I posted here. It tells of a truth that YHWH favors one person over another therefore there is really nothing can be done if a person is already damned in His sight even if he has not yet done anything wrong. Just like Judas Escariot who was already ordained to be a man of perdition. It is truly fearful to be already hated by YHWH even from the womb as can be gleaned from the holy scriptures. That is why there is great reason to be humble even as we regard those who are perishing with much fear and trembling.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Here is a list of the intellectually-dishonest debate tactics I have identified thus far. I would appreciate any help from readers to expand the list or to better define each tactic. I am numbering the list in order to refer back to it quickly elsewhere at this Web site.
Name calling: debater tries to diminish the argument of his opponent by calling the opponent a name that is subjective and unattractive; for example, cult members and bad real estate gurus typically warn the targets of their frauds that “dream stealers” will try to tell them the cult or guru is giving them bad advice; name calling is only intellectually dishonest when the name in question is ill defined or is so subjective that it tells the listener more about the speaker than the person being spoken about; there is nothing wrong with using a name that is relevant and objectively defined; the most common example of name calling against me is “negative;” in coaching, the critics of coaches are often college professors and the word “professor” is used as a name-calling tactic by the coaches who are the targets of the criticism in question; as a coach, I have been criticized as being “too intense,” a common put-down of successful youth and high school coaches. People who criticize their former employer are dishonestly dismissed as “disgruntled” or “bitter.” These are all efforts to distract the audience by changing the subject because the speaker cannot refute the facts or logic of the opponent.
Changing the subject: debater is losing so he tries to redirect the attention of the audience to another subject area where he thinks he can look better relative to the person he is debating.
Questioning the motives of the opponent: this is a form of tactic number 2 changing the subject; as stated above, it is prohibited by Robert’s Rule of Order 43; a typical tactic used against critics is to say, “They’re just trying to sell newspapers” or in my case, books—questioning motives is not always wrong; only when it is used to prove the opponent’s facts or logic wrong is it invalid.
Citing irrelevant facts or logic: this is another form of tactic Number 2 changing the subject.
False premise: debater makes a statement that assumes some other fact has already been proven when it has not; in court, such a statement will be objected to by opposing counsel on the grounds that it “assumes facts not in evidence.”
Hearsay: debater cites something he heard but has not confirmed through his own personal observation or research from reliable sources.
Unqualified expert opinion: debater gives or cites an apparently expert opinion which is not from a qualified expert; in court, an expert must prove his qualifications before he can give an opinion.
Sloganeering: Debater uses a slogan rather than using facts or logic. Slogans are vague sentences or phrases that derive their power from rhetorical devices like alliteration, repetition, cadence, or rhyming; Rich Dad Poor Dad’s “Don’t work for money, make money work for you” is a classic example. In sports, coaches frequently rely on cliches, a less rhetorical form of slogan, to deflect criticism.
Motivation end justifies dishonest means: debater admits he is lying or using fallacious logic but excuses this on the grounds that he is motivating the audience to accomplish a good thing and that end justifies the intellectually-dishonest means.
Cult of personality: debater attempts to make the likability of each debate opponent the focus of the debate on the grounds that he believes he is more likable than the opponent.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The night is quiet with stars littered in the skies. Today is a wonderful night no trace of the heavy rains that got me wet practically all over upon going home from work. We just transferred to this new house so we are in a new neighborhood. A few kids biking by as I stood outside our new home watching them. I went back inside the house to see the fish I was cooking. It's our third night in this two-storey house. We have two units sitting side by side and of course will be used as one. I turned the music on a little bit louder while I sing along with it. The music is about Yahuwah and Yahushuah. I went doing my chores around the house singing to its tune. It feels comfortable here especially with two toilet and bath. It feels good to be in the loving hands of the creator who takes care of everything. I love this new neighborhood.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
How is eating raw food good for health? Is really as beneficial as widely said to be?
Better nutritional content
Fruits, vegetables and plant foods are packed with nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and other health-promoting phytochemicals. Heating, however, destroys a fair bit of them.
Vitamins are destroyed, proteins are structurally spoilt, and minerals are converted from their organic and absorbable state to a state whereby they are not easily assimilated by the body.
Water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins B and C, also get leached out of foods during the cooking process.
Naturally, raw food is thus more nutritious than its cooked counterparts.
Dr Ann Wigmore, one of the most well-known proponents of raw diets, even suggests that over 80% of the nutrition in food is destroyed via cooking!
It is often believed that foods which grow in the wild are the most nutritious.
Life-giving and health-promoting enzymes, too
Raw foods contain high levels of enzymes, which assist in digestive processes as well as contribute to good health in other ways.
By eating raw foods, we reduce the need for the body to produce its own digestive enzymes. This frees up energy which the body can then use to carry out other important work, such as healing, cell repair and rejuvenation, fighting off foreign invaders, etc.
More enzymes would also be available for various uses by the body, including healing and the regulation of metabolic processes in the body.
On the other hand, since enzymes are killed by heat, cooked food is virtually devoid of them. The consumption of a largely cooked diet thus hampers digestive processes in the body, causing the production of excessive amounts of toxic by-products.
Excess energy usage, poor digestion and excessive toxin production - these are the reasons why we often feel tired, sluggish, and lethargic after a heavy meal of cooked food, while we would feel light and energetic after having a salad and a glass of fresh juice.
Further, the pancreas is overworked to produce the additional enzymes the body needs, enzymes which could have been obtained from raw foods. This contributes to long-term degenerative conditions.
The harm caused by cooked foods
Eating raw food helps with dental health too! Cooked food reduces the need for use of one's teeth; in addition, cooked food tends to be stickier and adheres to teeth and gums. The result - reduced development of the jaw bones and teeth, as well as increased incidence of tooth decay.
Due to issues with digestion and assimilation, cooked food often causes allergic and similar-type reactions in the body, something which rarely happens when one is on an all-raw diet.
Typically, raw food diets contain lower levels of harmful substances such as trans fats, saturated fats and cholesterol, and higher levels of healthful ones such as fiber and potassium. Eating raw foods thus contribute to reduced risks for deadly diseases such as cancer and diabetes.
What's more, heat changes the chemical structure of food, producing free radicals, mutagens and other substances which are toxic to our bodies, sometimes even carcinogenic!
Dr Paul Kouchakoff, an MD, suggested in his research that eating cooked food evoked a pathological response from the human body, in the form of increased immune response via the production of more white blood cells.
Immune response? You mean the body is treating cooked food as foreign invaders, perhaps even poisons? Frightening, isn't it?
Apparently, this effect can be alleviated by first eating raw foods at every meal, and this must form at least half of the total food intake.
Proponents of eating raw, such as Dr Wigmore and Dr Earp-Thomas, even say that cooked food contributes to the development of tumors and cancers, and then further feeds their growth! It is suggested that fully raw diets can stave off the cancer epidemic which is now hitting the first world.
Cat experiments to determine the healthful effects of eating raw food
In experiments conducted by D.G. Simonsen and Dr. Francis M. Pottenger, cats were fed meat and vegetables, with one group eating raw meat and the other having cooked meat.
The result was dramatic - the latter group lacked minerals and showed signs of poor skull and bone development, enlarged colon, degeneration of the nervous system, unhealthy liver and kidneys, etc.
By the third generation, the cats were unable to survive past the human equivalent of childhood.
Dr Pottenger concluded that a diet of raw meat and milk was the only way in which adequate nutrition for optimal health could be provided to cats.
Just how much is the consumption of cooked and processed foods contributing to the crazy disease epidemics plaguing the human race today?
Other health benefits of eating raw food
Besides the abovementioned differences of eating raw and cooked foods, such as digestion and risk of major diseases, the former has even more health benefits.
Cooked food, in general, has addictive qualities and contributes to weight gain and obesity. On the other hand, a diet of raw foods helps in weight loss and the maintenance of healthy weight.
I find it hard to imagine becoming overweight on raw foods. After all, we don't see overweight animals in the jungle, do we?
Further, you will be more energetic, partly owing to better nutrition, and partly because your body is being detoxified by the raw foods you eat. You are going to feel more alert and be able to think more clearly.
You will be stronger and healthier. If you go fully raw, be prepared to say goodbye to the common cold and various illnesses!
Overall, your body will feel cleaner and lighter.
These would then translate to slower aging as well as better outward appearance - healthier and shinier skin!
Psychological and emotional ill-effects of cooked foods
The harm caused by eating cooked food apparently goes beyond effects on physical health.
A man by the name of John A. MacDonald owned a pet shop and raised white mice. When the mice were fed raw grains, they lived and co-existed happily.
In a bid to cut costs, John started feeding the mice leftover cooked food which humans ate. The result - quarrels and fights, stronger mice attacking weaker ones, parents eating their young.
Dr Wigmore recounts another story, that of two sister white, nursing mother cats which lived in harmony together with their new-born kittens. They even shared the responsibility of feeding all the young cats.
Once switched to a diet of cooked meat, however, the two cats turned violent, attacking and bloodying each other.
A return to eating raw - their initial diet was a mild cat food mix and wheatgrass - brought back the peaceful co-existing situation.
When the little experiment was repeated, the results were observed to be the same.
What exactly does cooked food do to our psychological and emotional states??
by Webmaster,
Saturday, January 7, 2012
How Do You Know God?
In (Zohar,) Raya Mehemna, Behar 111b it is written, “When a person knows G–d in a general manner, then he is called a slave. When he knows G–d in a specific manner, then he is called a son, His beloved one, like a son who (has permission) to search in all the hidden things and in all the secrets of the house.” In Ohr HaChamah of the Ramak (it is explained that) it is the one who has a Neshama of Atzilus who knows all the hidden things and all the secrets of the house. ... However, if he only possesses a Neshama of B’ya (Beriah, Yetzirah, and Asiyah), meaning that he knows G–dliness only according to intellect, then he only knows G–d in a general manner, and he does not have the permission to seek in all the hidden things.
Sefer HaMa’amarim 5766, p. 157.
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