Monday, December 31, 2007

In a dark and Dusty Corner

The quickly lowering of the value of the dollar is somewhat alarming. It makes one left wondering at the long term implication it may entail. It may not be felt right now but in the long run it would surely have undesirable effects for America.
In other areas of the world, like for example Iran, they have begun to accept crude oil payments in other denominations other that the usual dollar money. If this trend is going to continue and more and more countries will pay in their own currency, what then? That's the question that needs contemplation and immediate solution. That problem should be nipped in the bud. As far as this aspect is concerned, it is indeed a problem that's still manageable by now. Another question that would automatically crop up is how it's going to be solved. It seems that options are narrowing and doors are closing in on the nation concerned.

Well, I am not trying to make 2008 a gloomy year for us. I just happen to ponder on these things. We are free to think and comment on issues that baffle us. And these are legitimate issues that get drowned out by the clamors of the shamefully irrelevant issues for attention. That's why important matters tend to be rather ignored and forgotten in a dark and dusty corner.

A verse from Psalm 75: 6-7 reminds us that " No one from the east or the west or from the desert can exalt a man. But it is God who judges: He brings one down, he exalts another." When situations develop which bring jeopardy and suffering to humanity, God is working His higher purposes.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


This song which Celine Dion sung entitled Immortality is a very beautiful music for me. The melody instantly captures my heart and then when I read the lyrics I found that it has a very profound meaning which also penetrated the core of my imaginations. It seems to voice out what is deep inside me. That's why I came to love this song. When I learned that this song was composed by the Bee Gees, it has all the more gotten my interest in it musically. Bee Gees is very popular for their soul music for indeed their music touches the very core of ones soul. Celine Dion is outright compatible with the music as she is able to sing it soulfully the way it should be. I like more of this kind of music. I believe that this kind of music bring out the good out of every person the way I understand it.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Conditions 2007

Morally: There is a great deterioration of people's moral values. People seem to tolerate evil behavior. They admire brashness and indecent dealings. Those who are trying to stick to what's right is unpopular and are viewed as nerds and unnatural.

The media: There is much bias and favoritism in reportings. Reporter's use their skill to gain money through it either through cover up or non reporting of events, whichever is favorable to the benefactor.

Politically: Politicians usual promise theme- "to help my country"- is never kept and plunder the country they've sworn they would help instead. They really have to intention of helping but are there only to enrich themselves mostly.

Individually: People try to achieve success at the expense of others.

Worldwide: There is so much chaos, political and religious. Politics and religion is so mixed up that we cannot see where one ends and where the other begins. Wars wreck havoc the world around. Killings are rampant. There is so much hunger in some areas and excess of foods in other areas. Diseases strike suddenly and there is no cure for most of them.

The climate: It is so erratic it has made our world intolerably hot or cold. Floods and fire devastate everywhere.

Commodities: They are becoming too expensive not to mention the tax charged for each item bought.

Conditions of our world are alarming. Can anyone guess where we are heading? Can anyone give the solutions to all of these?