Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Comet Elenin was discovered by Doctor-Scientist Leonid Elenin on 10 December 2010 from his research facility in Lyubertsy utilizing images acquired from the 18-inch (45-cm) telescope at the ISON-NM Observatory near Mayhill, New Mexico and confirmed by Doctor-Scientists Aleksei Sergeyev and Artem Novichenko from the Maidanak Observatory in Uzbekistan. Doctor-Scientist Leonid Elenin. Interesting to note about Comet Elenin is that even though the American space agency NASA has said “Because of the possibility that the comet’s orbit slightly deviate from, there is no guarantee that Earth will be missed”, they have, also, in contradiction, stated that “…Comet Elenin will come nowhere near the Earth. Our world had been forewarned about by the former Canadian Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer, who stated about them: “Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.” So, expect the worst without fears.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


I go about reading articles written about how Yahushua did not meet the criteria of being the Messiah saying that he did not fulfill any of the prophesies about him. And there was the question about genealogies which supposedly did not really point to him. When he came he had nothing to redeem Israel as he came a servant and not someone powerful enough to instill fear among all nations and what is more he died a cruel death disappointing those who are ready to grip power beside him. It may have even put them to shame because he was too meek. I understand what they mean. Yet in spite of all these, I am still reluctant to give credence to the argument. In the meantime I savor all the unpleasant taste of the words thrown at him who willingly "laid down his life for his friends". Why he did do it? Are there any super natural reasons behind it? And was that enough to save mankind from their sins and wickedness? Why couldn't people believe that his death could save them if they only believe? Sooner or later the truth of the matter will surface as clear as crystal for all to see. Now they refuse to acknowledge it. They think that they don't need a Messiah even if YHWH did give a son to make known his father's name to the world. May all be with enlightened with wisdom and understanding.

Monday, December 19, 2011


It seems that everything around me is crumbling. Destruction of everything that was safe haven before. I can see it every where. Everything that was strong foundation before which is evident even in things that was created by mortal man. Calamities are every where. Floods of great waters, typhoons destroy everything in its path. All that seemed strong is destroyed in a twinkling of an eye. Everything. While things and structures are crumbling on the way side. Society, communities and families are being destroyed through the deterioration of morals. Philosophies and religions are not exempt. What has been strong tower and refuge are now being attacked by new ideas that was unthinkable before. What was good is being labeled as evil. I now wonder where to find good and peace and acceptance and love. I can't find it anywhere. I don't know what to believe and what to trust. The way is not clear. The path has darkened. Even as there is flash floods every where that take away lives, there is also the quiet flash floods of beliefs that carry away souls. Father Yahuwah, let me not be taken away in this. Let me remain in you alone
I pray.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What's the Point of Complaining to G‑d?

Here's a wonderful article by Tzvi about prayer and how YHWH sees things. May we learn from it. Question: When Moses saw things backfired in Egypt, he complained to G‑d, "Why have you done bad to these people? From the time You sent me, things have gotten worse instead of better!" Didn't G‑d know that things had gotten worse? Isn't G‑d aware of what's going on in His world? Why does He need Moses to tell him? Response: G‑d sees all and knows all. But sometimes you need a report from down on the ground...G‑d has two views of reality. One is the grand view from above. From there, the ugliness blends with its context to create even greater beauty. All is exquisite and ideal, a perfect whole. Then He has the view from within. Within time, within space, within the confines of a flesh body that cringes at pain and is outraged at suffering; a view for which the now is more real than a thousand years of the future. The view not of the Composer, but of those who must play the music. And sometimes, what looks magnificent from above, is the pits from within. Both views are true. Both views are G‑d. In the Torah, the view from above is presented in G‑d's voice. G‑d's view from within is presented in the voice of Moses. The two come together to compose the ultimate truth of Torah. Moses was simply practicing a common Jewish habit: Kvetching to G‑d. We call it prayer. It's the pencil granted us by the Composer. We preface our prayer with the verse, "G‑d, open my lips, that my mouth may speak Your praise." We ask, in other words, that our prayers should be the words of G‑d from within, speaking to G‑d as He stands above. By Tzvi Freeman http://www.chabad.org

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Lunar Eclipse Pictures, Images and Photos There is going to be a SUPER LUNAR ECLIPSE this coming December 10, 2011. There are many ideas that spring from stories about it. Here is one that seems to have bearing on the lives of people who believe in YHWH like myself. The sun, moon, and stars were not created for their light alone. Eclipses - the absence of the light of these luminary bodies - serve an important function, as well. In fact, this function is listed in the passuk before their responsibility to provide light to the world: "And Hashem said, 'Let their be luminaries in the heavens...and they will serve as signs,'" which, as Rashi explains, refers to eclipses which are seen as a bad sign for the world, "...and they shall be luminaries in the heaven," understood by Rashi as referring to the light which they provide. Rashi writes "When you perform the will of the Al-mighty, you need not worry from disaster [during the eclipses]." Hazal have taught us specifically regarding what we need to be careful: "Because of four things eclipses occur - false tale-bearers, false witnesses, those who raise small cattle [and allow the sheep to destroy other people's property], and those who cut down good trees [meaning, fruit-bearing trees, an act which demonstrates his lack of appreciation to Hashem]..." What is the common denominator of these four violations? Each of them, in its own way, constitutes an "eclipse" of its own, a transformation of light into darkness. There is no greater eclipse of light than by darkening one's reputation through false rumors, allegations, and testimonies. Similarly, sending one's sheep into the property of another, ruining his trees for some immediate need, chopping down a tree and showing disrespect for the great kindness of our Creator - all these activities serve to eclipse our value system. When an actual, astronomical eclipse occurs, there opens, as it were, room for the prosecutor to bring us to task for these moral eclipses... The continuing battles being fought through mass media, words transmitted verbally and electronically - who can possibly begin to imagine the amount of degradation, humiliation, scorn and contempt which is continually passed through these means of communication? False rumors, created from thin air, substantiated by false testimonies with no sense of common decency and concern for others - and all this captures the attention of a more-than-eager readership! Perhaps the eclipse thus arrives at the perfect time, to turn our attention to the moral eclipses which occur in our lives on a daily basis. Source: http://www.shemayisrael.co.il Jerusalem, Israel 972-2-532-4191

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Chassidishe farbrengen: On viewing sin and sinners

A Chassidishe farbrengen: On viewing sin and sinners: The Tanya[1] speaks of a “ kal shebekalim ,” a person who lives a sinful, corrupt lifestyle. When we view him, we might jump to judge and co...


Some pictures taken by my brother recently when he went to Camp Phillips Bukidnon where we grew up as kids. Many places have changed in appearance. There are some pictures where I studied in high school. Some pictures of the pineapple fields and of the Mount Kitanglad seen in the distance. The last is of the church where I used to go when I am sad and just sit there praying and savoring the silence. It has changed. The steeple wasn't there already. Now it was modernized which was unfortunate. I like its former appearance, anyway, I don't go to such church anymore. My father worked in Del Monte, Philippines for many years until he retired. I really still miss the place. A very cold place where the trees and plants are abundant which give it a fresh and healthy view. I hope I could ave a chance to visit it even for once.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Some pictures I took during a parade in our place. The city had its Fiesta last November 20 & 21 in honor of their Patron saint.This is a unique Filipino trait, crisis or no, the Fiesta must go on. Since we are government employees, we all must show our faces in the parade in the middle of the noontime heat of the sun where I took the chance to get photos to share to everyone who cares to browse through here.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


evil eye Pictures, Images and Photos Matthew 6:23 But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! The belief in Ayin Hara is not a superstition but is well founded on references from the earliest Jewish texts. Sarah "gives" Hagar an Ayin Hara, causing her to miscarry her first pregnancy. Yaakov warns his sons not to be seen together so as not to incur Ayin Hara. Another example is King Saul's jealousy of the future King David who is credited with greater military prowess and "gives" him an Ayin Hara. Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler in a letter to his father asked "Where is the justice in a system that causes people to suffer for the jealousies of others?" Rabbi Dessler answered that what happens is the following: One person who has what another person lacks is "careless" and lets the other person see what he has. This causes pain to the other person, and his cry goes up to the Heavenly court. The lesson in all of this is that we must learn to be sensitive to others, and not flaunt what we have. Many people yearn to have what others have, and suffer real pain when they see others casually flaunt those things. True, they shouldn't be jealous, but we cannot expect everyone to be a Tzaddik. Divine justice demands retribution for causing this pain to another person. The best protection is to behave modestly and with a genuine concern for the feelings of others. Source Ohr Somayach Intitutions, Jerusalem, Israel

Monday, November 7, 2011


Rabies is a viral disease that affects the nervous system of mammals, including humans. Animals and people can get rabies when they come into contact with the saliva of, or most often through the bite of an infected animal. If a person is bitten by, or exposed to an animal that may have rabies, he or she must receive appropriate medical care immediately in order to prevent rabies disease. Vaccination of household pets, along with immediate medical care for humans who are exposed to rabies, are critical components of rabies prevention and control. My niece was severely bitten by our neighbor's dog, so we had taken her for injection at the hospital. And as for our neighbor they denied that it was their dog who attacked my niece so they never offered to shoulder the expenses for the anti-rabbies and anti-tetanus injections. My niece sustained multiple bites on the hands, legs and even stomach. The nurse at the health center said that the month of November is the usual time of year wherein dogs are most inclined to bite. Maybe they are angrier on this month. Could it be possible that people also are on this month more prone to be more fierce and violent? I think so. News seems to confirm this.

Friday, November 4, 2011


vortex Pictures, Images and Photos Many years back we had fellowship with the Sabbath keeping group of people. The group's name was Worldwide Church Of God, whose leader was Herbert W. Armstrong. We went with them for a time until such time that the leadership was changed since Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong died of old age. The group WCG under Joseph Tkach shifted to Sunday keeping instead of Saturday. They split into two because of the issue of Sabbath keeping and Sunday keeping thus the Philadelphia Church of God was born that adhered to the teachings of the late leader Herbert W. Armstrong, while the Worldwide Church of God under the new leadership of Joseph Tkach shifted to Sunday keeping. I was of course dismayed of their split so the time came when we stopped our fellowship with them as the Philadelphia group went to another location. So we decided to stay home during Sabbaths. One lady came to us who was my aunt from my father's side, she invited us to fellowship with them. They are the Pentecostal group. I promised to attend with them next Sunday if I have time. I was troubled because I would then be attending Sunday service with them instead of the Sabbath. I said to myself that I could still keep the Sabbath, only that by next day I will be attending Sunday service with them. I wondered if it is acceptable to God. At that time I still called God as God since that was what we commonly called Him even though I know that YHWH is the correct name of God as it is sometimes mentioned in some Bible verses. I decided to pray about it to ask for His permission. I prayed that night that He would show a sign that it's okay to attend the Sunday keeping invitation by making next day a very sunny day and then when it will rain in the middle of it, not just a slight rain but a strong one that would really wet the ground, then I would understand that it is alright. After praying that, I promptly went to sleep. The next day, I forgot about it. It was indeed an unusually bright and sunny day. I was busy doing my chores around the house when it suddenly rained in midday. I was amazed because while the sun was shining yet it rained hard for maybe five minutes that it made puddles of water on the ground. Just then I remembered suddenly my prayer that night about God giving a sign through a rain in the middle of a bright day. I tended to think that it was just a simple coincidence but I stopped myself from thinking that way. Why would not I believe it when it was me who asked for that sign? I would be a fool to disbelieve it. I would be setting myself up for YHWH's displeasure and even a curse if I disbelieved it, so I told myself. So when Sunday came, I promptly attended their worship service. When I was there, I found how warm and caring they were with each other. I see their fervor and their dedication in their worship to God. I concluded therefore that YHWH does not disregard their worship even if they keep Sunday. They shared to each other what they have. I was amazed by their humility and their love for each other. They may worship in Sunday now but later on when YHWH will choose it is time to reveal the correct day of worship, nothing can stop it. The wheel of time is still turning, many things can still happen. It's not the end of the line for them yet. We should not belittle them for error they are in. There is a right time, a season for everything. At that juncture in their spiritual level, they are still spiritual babes that is true, but then their growth will continue until they will be matured enough to accept 'adult foods'. So we should not try to pluck out the milk from them to avoid stunting their growth. One day they will go look for the mature spiritual food when they're old enough. YHWH's timing, I know will never go wrong. In the end we all will meet at the vortex to meet YHWH on the Judgment Day.

Monday, October 31, 2011


In the Bible, Jezebel was a powerful, wicked queen, and wife of a passive king called Ahab. She was killed by several eunuchs at the order of commander Jehu. Jezebel was a witch, and her spirit of witchcraft is still in operation today in the world. It will take both a Jehu and the cooperation of the injured victims (spiritual eunuchs) to kill her again. The Jezebel spirit is sociopathic. Behaviors you might see (3 or more): 1. They gain power by destroying others. It is like an adrenalin rush when they “win” over someone. They manage to get in positions of authority, and are difficult to displace, once there. 2. They are controlling, manipulative, bossy. 3. they can either be war-like in their personalities, so that they are intimidating, or so “sweet,” “perfect,” deceitful, “timid” and sneaky, they are able to fool and recruit others to join them. Sometimes they can be very charming and charismatic. 4. critical of others, vicious to the point of bloodthirsty. 5. they are never wrong. 6. They recruit others in their charges against their victims. They act to persuade recruits, and do not give up this activity until the recruits are won over. If the potential recruits do not cooperate and buy into things, this angers them. 7. they are narcissic. While they can tend to be oversensitive themselves, they have no concern for the feelings of others. They are not sympathetic to their victims, and tend to play the role of victim themselves, in order to gain sympathy. This way the real victim is left stranded, and opposed by others if they ask for help. Being the center of attention really pleases them. 8. they lie, and they believe their own lie. Avoiding the truth, or intentionally acting to withhold truth is part of this. false picture is presented to others. 9. impulsive, failure to plan ahead. chaotic at times 10. lack of remorse after hurting someone. they justify the harm. 15. usually women, but can be men. The women tend to control their men with sex. And they pick passive men (Ahabs) so they can dominate them. 17. They falsely accuse you, and they do NOT forgive you …..

Thursday, October 27, 2011


"In seeking Wisdom, the first stage is silence." -- Rabbi Solomon ibn Gabriol (11th Century) To begin with, there are two Silences and not one: There is the Silence of the Mouth and, in addition, the Silence of the Mind. The former does not necessarily accompany the latter, but the latter always accompanies the former. That is, one can be silent "in-the-mouth" while not, at the same time, also being silent "in-the-mind." On the other hand, one who is silent "in-the-mind" is, at the same time, always silent in-the-mouth. Thus, there are three types of Lomaidim (Hebrew = "Learners"): THE FOOL: Silent neither in the Mouth nor Mind THE HEARING IMPAIRED: Silent in the Mouth but not the Mind THE LISTENER: Silent in the Mouth and the Mind. Of the "fool," Buddhism says, "A fool is like a spoon: it can sit in a bowl of soup forever and never taste it." Donmeh West


There are many religions of the world. They all said that they are peaceful and they seek the good of mankind. They all promise paradise. They all promote good deeds and brotherhood. But look what is happening. Religion becomes the source of all conflicts and wars of the world. It has become the cause for misunderstanding, prejudice of all kinds. Even in their diversity, they all show they are the same in spirit. It may be the reason that the scriptures warn all who are wise to "come out" and not become partakers of their sin and of their coming punishment.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


While a typical fling might be very hot and passionate at first, it always seems to cool down. But true love should age like wine, growing in subtle intensity. Fond memories accumulate, and not just the lovey-dovey kind, but also the excited forbidden kind. This is the couple who seems drunk on each other, the married couple who still can’t keep their hands off each other. Like fine wine, it becomes better with age.

Friday, October 21, 2011


"For everything there is a time and a season," proclaims King Solomon in Ecclesiastes. "A time for war, and a time for peace." Certainly the "times for war" are a dominant feature of our calendars and appointment books. We seem to be forever waging wars. There are, of course, the real wars, fought with armed troops and increasingly sophisticated weaponry. But even in times of political peace, we are constantly battling the demons that menace our material and moral well-being: we wage wars against crime, drugs, disease, illiteracy. Within, we fight personal battles against selfishness or laziness, an addiction to tobacco or a tendency to overeat. Nor does it end with the battling of evil and negative things. In school, in the workplace or in the social arena, we are constantly fighting our way to the top, constantly combating the obstacles in our quest toward greater success. We struggle to get more for our money, use our time more efficiently, develop our talents, improve our mind and refine our character. Intrinsic to our humanness is the unceasing drive to make more of ourselves, to reach beyond yesterday's attainments. Man is forever at war with the past. So even when we overcome the blatant evils which inhabit our world, even when we succeed in bringing to light the goodness that is the essential nature of G-d's creation--shall we ever experience peace and tranquility? Wherever we turn, we encounter turmoil. The solar system spins like a top, the galaxies simmer and revolve. The earth's core is aboil, its atmosphere storms, its oceans churn. Physical life is sustained by movement--the throb of the heart, the contraction and expansion of the lungs. Seemingly "inanimate" matter is a cauldron of motion on the nuclear, atomic and sub-atomic levels. Motion means change, and every change is a struggle--the struggle to vanquish the status quo and replace it with a new reality. The primary culprit responsible for this struggle is the very phenomenon of time. Time is what gives us a past to abandon, a present with which not to suffice, a future towards which to strive. Time is the mother of motion, change, and struggle; time is the canvas upon which all battles of life are etched. It would seem that as long as we exist in time, as long as our lives are defined by its pulse and flux, the battle of life will rage on. Can we transcend time? A timeless existence would be free of motion, stress and strife. But would it allow for challenge, improvement and progression? Will it ever end? Should it ever end? Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe 'that reveals profound truth that made me want to read it again and again. I want to share it here so others may be able to read it too and see if this quench their thirst for wisdom'. Courtesy of MeaningfulLife.com

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


"There is built-in tension between the desire to return a kidnapped soldier ... and the need to preserve the security of the citizens of Israel," Netanyahu said, in comments at opening the Cabinet meeting. "I believe we reached the best deal that we can reach at this time, a stormy time in the Middle East." I believe that Netanyahu has made the best decision ever in his career as leader and Prime Minister in Israel to save Gilad Schalit from the claws of the enemy. The 1000 soldiers swapped is no match to one Israeli soldier who has suffered unimaginable five years in prison in hostile territory. YHWH just showed how valuable His people are in that one is worth his weight in a thousand of them. A lot of people regard it as disgraceful, but why? Is it disgraceful to save a life? How much more disgraceful is it to just let him die while doing nothing when you have the power to save him? So what if they are killers? It doesn't mean that they are not anymore vulnerable to the power of YHWH. There is nothing to be afraid of. If YHWH be for us, who can be against us? Many people prayed to Hashem to save him and now that He answered their prayers, you call it a disgrace? It is for a purpose and His ways are higher than man's ways. We are to have faith and not doubt what He has done.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Chassidishe farbrengen: Balancing the spiritual and the physical

A Chassidishe farbrengen: Balancing the spiritual and the physical: There are two opposite ways of serving Hashem , expressed in the verse “and the angels rose (‘ ratzo ’) and returned (‘ shov ’).” A Jew has...

Occupy Wall St.Continues

Occupy Wall St. continues leaderless. Many such protest movements are sprouting all over America to show their support of Occupy Wall St. Even some parts of Asia, similar protests are forming. I wonder who might be the hidden instigator of this so-called revolution. I believe someone behind the scenes is the master mind of this revolution. Just how will this end up is something worth following through? Could this be what we can label as the American Spring? Let us follow this and see what happens. Hopefully since Obama had condemned crackdown against protesters in the Arab Spring, we can expect that he would not do such a horrible thing to the American people. He will show himself to be a good and compassionate leader of America who wouldn't hurt his own people, that is if he really feels the American people his own flesh ad blood. Some say that this revolution is being instigated by NWO in order to create chaos so that they can have a reason to implement Martial law. And so when it happens many Americans will be charged with rebellion and then arrested and then even killed through beheading. This sounds unlikely at the moment but who knows. News and events nowadays are somehow are being manufactured from some hidden basement that we don't even know which is fact and which is fiction. We just have to be on the look out to be able to determine and discern the truth of the matter. May YHWH guide and direct the paths of those that rely on Him.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Sometimes even in our own place when we don't expect it, things happen without warning that signify the perilous times we are in. Have we thought what we need to do when it happens? The main thing is that we should be wise as a serpent but harmless as a dove. My son Joshua once came upon his cousin Joel who was attacked by another teenage. Upon seeing the predicament of his cousin, he impulsively picked an empty bottle and hit the attacker on the head wounding the boy as he ran away. Joshua and Joel then went to his father's house. When I got home from work someone came and informed me of what happened and that three men was in the neighborhood looking for Joshua and Joel. Those men reportedly were the brothers and uncle of the boy whom Joshua hit with an empty bottle. I was alarmed and phoned Joshua right away and told him to immediately go to his auntie living in another city. I instructed him not to come home as men were looking for him and Joel. That night, as Israel my eldest went home to his father to sleep there, I told my daughters that we have to pray for Joshua and Israel since I thought he might also be in danger because of his brother's deed. It was indeed providence that we did it because as he walked down the dark road, three unidentified men suddenly appeared by the way and attacked him with a knife. He would have been killed right there. But by YHWH's grace they failed and so he was able to run to his aunt's house which was nearby. He decided to sleep at his aunt's for he realized that it was dangerous for him to walk alone judging from what happened, it could be related to Joshua's incident earlier that day.So the next day, when Israel came back, he asked me to pray for him. I believe he understood the seriousness of the situation to feel the need that I pray for him to YHWH for protection. I also prayed for all of us for I felt dangerously embroiled by the happenings. Joshua had to stay away for a few months. Meanwhile, I proceeded to settle the matter amicably by paying a certain amount to the victim's parents as the boy had to be taken to the doctor to be treated with the wound. And also made efforts to talk to the parents and their relatives and emphasized that we are relatives therefore we should not be attacking each other. And that the kids didn't know that they're cousins. Now that they know it they should forget and forgive each other. They nodded in agreement and promised to instruct their kids. In the end, as they say, "All's well, that ends well", proves to be true indeed. What made me happy is the realization that my son Israel realized how important prayer is in dire times like these. When we don't know what to do, when we are afraid, when we are threatened, supplication to YHWH is the only thing that can give us courage and protection that we sorely lack. Even though I found Israel to be a bit rebellious but I know that through example I have shown him and all my kids about the need of praying. I know that this experience had taught them of its importance.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Here's Satan's number one victory when He is allowed to inject the cancer virus of religion into a group of Yah's people: It moves Yah's people away from vibrant, life-giving personal relationship with Him to life-taking selfishness. Religion ends up twisting priorities in the mind's of His people, and blinds Holy Spirit discernment and perception. Religion ultimately deceives Yah's people into being more concerned about what Yah can do for them ... rather than what is most important to Him ... which happens to be lost souls, first and foremost, then secondly, discipling and equipping them as adequately as possible. Our flesh absolutely hates change, and wouldn't you know ... Satan fully realizes that. Stubborn tradition will drive the Holy Spirit right out of your midst! The Holy Spirit likes freshness. The Holy Spirit likes creativity. The Holy Spirit likes doing spontaneous things in our midst simply because it brings Him great pleasure with springing delightful surprises on YHWH's people (all for the ultimate purpose of accomplishing the Father's will however, not to just put on some "show"). Satan knows full well that the best way to stifle the Holy Spirit's delight in releasing creativity and spontaneity and ultimately power to do the miraculous in the midst of His people when He desires is to slowly suck people into the cancer of tradition. The Holy Spirit recorded in the Bible this prayer from Yashushuah: "Father, make them one, so the world will believe that you sent me." (John 17:21) Believers are not united in Yahuwah. Each one are competing with one another. Others do nothing except point out faults in others instead of teaching and showing them the way. They may believe that they are better than all others because they know better than most. And they feel proud and therefore more holy. Believers ought to be one body in Yahushuah. I doubt if that is what is happening to the body. All I see is that we have become more disjointed and more fractured than ever. When can we ever become one? How can we ever be one if that is our attitude? Do we really think that we have passed the lessons we have in this life? *Excerpt from Norm Rasmussen's writings relevant to the present time condition of so-called 'believers' hearts..

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I love this music about Jerusalem sang by Yaakov Shewekey with all love as it also evoke my love for Jerusalem. I love Israel because it is the nation that YHWH has chosen. It's no wonder that nations hate Israel because YHWH favored them and no nation will ever overtake them as long as its Creator lives. As a small girl I already have this great love for that nation. Even when I am located here at the edge of the world but I feel that it is my country and the people my people. Maybe the day will come that I will finally set foot in that beauteous and mystifying country and live there. When I hear music about this country, it moves my spirit, it makes me cry for them. It's as if my soul understands the words even though my mind cannot comprehend what it says.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Effective November 20 the federal government will begin regulating the Internet. They actually did it. Last week, the FCC published its net neutrality order in the Federal Register, stating that effective November 20 the federal government will begin regulating the Internet. Americans didn’t want this. Congress rejected it decisively — it only had 27 sponsors last year. The courts rejected it — they said the FCC did not have the power to do this. And voters rejected it, defeating all 95 of the candidates who campaigned on the issue. That’s right a perfect zero for 95. But unless the Senate votes to overturn this order before it takes effect November 20, we will start down the path to a government regulated and government controlled Internet. Under a special procedure called the Congressional Review Act, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison is committed to forcing a Senate vote. Harry Reid can’t keep this off the floor, and it can’t be filibustered. We’ll need 51 votes to succeed. This is a key test for the U.S. Senate. Will they stand up to one of Obama’s power grabs, or will they sit on their hands? And if they sit on their hands, why should voters re-elect legislators who refuse to legislate? Source: www.witchitaobserver.com

Yakuza Scourge

I got interested about an article "Goodbye Yakuza" which I just read in Yahoo news. It was stated there that Japanese government is doing all they can to conquer the Yakuza syndicate which bully, blackmail and extort huge money from businesses and companies in Japan. “The new laws will make the price of paying off the yakuza, in loss of face and in penalties, much more expensive than the actual cash payments to the yakuza." This is according to a retired police detective. This is a new and positive development. If they are really serious in imposing this, it would surely make their country a little bit safer for the common people who go there for work. My brother died while working in Japan and we suspected that yakuza has something to do with it. Before he died he called and informed us that should he die he has an insurance of 50 million dollars. Why would he say that if he didn't suspect something sinister is about to happen to him? And then he died by drowning. They made it appear that he drowned himself by suicide which was of course something we couldn't believe. It is one of the many ways they make money. They befriend you and entice you of bigger salary by dealing with them and then they make you sign a contract and presto you are insured. Then you die suddenly of accident and they collect the insurance. Very sad for my brother who died of a very young age. He has a family who needed him. But because of them his daughter is fatherless now. Kudos to the Japanese government! At least by this, they have shown that they are really doing something. My brother is only one of the many people who were victimized by them. It is only right that yakuza scourge must be eliminated from their midst.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Occupy Wall St. Picture

This is one of the interesting pictures that's recently taken in Occupy Wall St. It is said that more and more people and even organizations have joined the movement in spite of the arrest of 700 people by the police. It seemed to fire the people more as they see the police's aggressiveness towards the protesters. YHWH's words in the Bible indeed manifests in this event. America has espoused protests in Mid East recently. So now they're having protests in their own land. As much as they condemned harsh crackdown of protesters in the Middle East, so they must not also use force against the people who are just doing what they think can make themselves be heard.The government should listen to the people and forge change to turn the tide against them and satisfy the people's demands. I would admire the president if he allows people to protest and air their grievances and make the necessary move to address it without having to use force and bloodshed. Many say that they don't believe in this movement but whether they like it or not, it would make a lot of changes that will greatly affect everyone. Well, they prefer to be at the sidelines and watch what will happen next whether for good or for worst.

America's Economic Collapse?

This video explains that America is on the verge of an economic collapse. I believe that it is not a far-fetch supposition. It may be construed as "Doomsday" soothsayers. Signs unequivocally point out the disturbing downward trend of America. Gone are the days in which America is held up in respect and high esteem by nations of the world. Look what's happening inside their country. More and more people are relying on food stamps as more and more people are jobless as well as homeless. The dollar is losing its strength while the government is mire deep in debt which it almost cannot pay. Many people are increasingly becoming angry and discontented. Even right now more and more people are participating in the Occupy Wall St protest. It is only the beginning of the worst thing to happen. Each one must brace for what will come next for it sure will change the course of history.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Flooding in Manila area. The people are again evacuating for fear of the worst to happen. Here in Cebu the rains are mild coupled with slightly strong winds. Right now the rain has subsided but the skies remain overcast. I wish I could see the new moon tonight. I wish to thank YHWH for the benevolence of nature in our place. Ah, but it is His benevolence and nature is the tool He uses to execute His divine will.

A Chassidishe farbrengen: Monarchy, democracy, and Rosh Hashanah

A Chassidishe farbrengen: Monarchy, democracy, and Rosh Hashanah: Monarchy—a difficult concept The awesome day of Rosh Hashanah is almost upon us. The central focus of this day is accepting Hashem upon us...

Monday, September 26, 2011


"I hope that you are fine Jamie. May Yahuwah guide you in all your ways. You are always in my heart even if you may think otherwise because of what others tell to discourage you. Do not be troubled. You believe in YHWH believe also in me that my intention is noble and pure." I love this note. It expresses my sentiments for the one I love.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mt. Kitanglad

This is Mount Kitanglad located Malaybalay, Bukidnon. That's the beautiful mountain seen in the distance in Phillips Bukidnon where I grew up. I love that mountain. It shows the glory of the creator who created it with loving hands and placed there to shield us. The vast green plants at the base are the wide expanse of pineapple plantation which is the product of Del Monte where my father worked previously. A beautiful place with pleasant as well as bitter memories that I can still recall as I look at this picture. I tried to paint the mountain once, but it's greatness and awesome beauty is too wonderful to be contained in one silly painting like mine.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Found This Insightful


Reb Yakov Leib HaKohain, Founder & Spiritual Director

"[God] is known and grasped to the degree that one opens the gates of imagination! The capacity to connect with the Spirit of Wisdom, to imagine in one's heart-mind -- this is how God becomes known." (Zohar 1:103a-b)

There is Mind and there are the thoughts of the Mind. And whereas my mind is God's Mind, my thoughts are not always His thoughts, and furthermore my mind is the lesser mind that His Mind also is. As Jung says:

"The Self is a quantity that is supraordinate to the conscious ego. It embraces not only the conscious but the unconscious Psyche and is therefore, so to speak, a personality which we also are." (Two Essays on Analytical Psychology, CW 7, par. 274)

The Greater is surrounded by the lesser -- the "Spark" by the "shell" -- the Nitzot by the Kelipah -- and so it says, "Open for me the Gates of Righteousness that I may enter and praise the Lord" (Psalm 118). This is the relationship between Sefirah Tiferet and Sefirah Keter in Kabbalah -- Ze'ir Anpin ("Smaller Face") and Arikh Anpin ("Larger Face") as they are also known, respectively -- or as the Zohar calls them, the "Mirror that Does Not Shine" and the "Mirror that Shines."

For this reason we are told, "Be still and know that I am God," and elsewhere, "I am listening; what is Yahweh saying?" (Ps. 85:8) Which means that by the act of mind observing Mind -- "thought" observing "Thought" -- and in that moment asking, as Sri Ramana Maharshi asks, "Who am I" -- the Greater of the two (the "Mirror that Shines") is apprehended by the lesser (the "Mirror that Does Not Shine") and "this" knows "That," as we are told by the Vedanta, because what had once been the same and then became different now sees and recognizes itself in the reflection of the other. If we observe our thoughts in meditation, we discover a hall of mirrors in which there is the thought, the thinker-of-the-thought and the Observer of the thinker-of-the-thought. But beyond even that, there is the Unknowable Knower to which Edinger alludes:

"The experience of being the knowing subject . . . . is only one half of the process of knowledge. The other half is the experience of being the known object. The ego as knower conquers the outer or inner 'other' by relegating it to the status of known object. But this is not consciousness in the full sense of 'knowing-with,' it is only science or simple knowing. To achieve authentic consciousness the ego must also go through the experience of being the object of knowledge with the function of the knowing subject residing in the 'other.'" (Edward F. Edinger, The Creation of Consciousness: Jung's Myth for Modern Man, p. 41)

We see this graphically represented in the 16th century, Kabbalistic diagram of the Ten Sefirot as conceived of by R. Isaac Luria:

Here, the smaller circle at the bottom (the personal "ego") emanates out of but remains connected to the larger circle at the top (the transpersonal "Self"), the essence of which it only partially contains -- and even then, only at its periphery. But, like the relationship between Yaldeboath ("Yahweh") and the Monad ("Ayn Sof") in primitive Gnosticism, the smaller gradually comes to believe itself to be the Larger -- the "thought" mistakes itself to be the "Mind" -- and the latter is "entangled" with the former.

Thus, the act of Knowing begins with the process of untangling this from That before one can realize, as in the Hindu formula, Om Tat Sat -- "That is this." The "thinker" must separate himself from the "thought" in order to intuit the common origin of both, the Unknowable Knower which C. G. Jung describes as "the One who dwells within [us], whose form has no knowable boundaries, who encompasses [us] on all sides, fathomless as the abysms of the earth and vast as the sky." (Answer to Job, par. 758)

Now let me develop this idea just a bit further: If, in meditation for example, I am observing my thoughts then there must be a separation between them -- a separation between object (the thought) and subject (the thinker). That is, in the act of the latter observing the former I have untangled one from the other, "ego" from "mind."

But the greater question arises: Who is this Third participant, this Other, whom I gradually become aware is observing me, as if from a great distance, observing this separation between "me" and my "thought, and within whom the entire process seems to be contained and taking place?

In other words, if I pay close attention (with my eyes either shut or open) I discover that there are three personalities at work in this process: the thought, the thinker, and the Observer-of-the-Thinker-of-the-Thought -- the latter of which, although elusive and ephemeral, can be apprehended and identified as the Unknown-Knower, the "Self," or as our good friend Alice Howell calls Him in her own writings, the "Divine Guest."

Thus, the "Unknowable Knower" becomes known by that which it knows. But how can that be if it is, as we say, "unknowable"? The Zohar replies:

"He is known and grasped to the degree that one opens the gates of imagination! The capacity to connect with the Spirit of Wisdom, to imagine in one's heart-mind -- this is how God becomes known." (Zohar 1:103a-b)

Source: Donmeh-West Website